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Enterprising Skills - Classroom v Experiential Learning

Writer's picture: Ben TrewrenBen Trewren

The focus of learning for young people in today’s world of work focuses strongly on the development of enterprising skills.

The Foundation for Young Australians explains enterprise skills as the skills which current and future workers need to thrive in their future careers. It is expected that young people today will navigate 17 jobs across 5 different careers.

Therefore, a shift away for solely focussing on the development of technical skills needed to do a job, to young people being encouraged to become equipped with skills that can be used across multiple roles and occupations is critical.

These skills, which we know as enterprise skills, include communication, collaboration, teamwork, creativity and problem-solving to name a few, are the backbone to allowing young people to work across various jobs and industries.

At some point, I believe that enterprise skills have become synonymously associated with business... and business usually thrives in indoor environments, meeting rooms, programmed sessions, technology and management structures.

But what if we could supplement this development by associating enterprise skills with experiential learning? Where we engage young people in outdoor environments, in open spaces, delivered through flexible workshops, with hands on equipment and flexible leadership styles?

I’ve considered 10 enterprising skills below. Outlining why each of them matter, comparing the styles and approaches of ‘classroom learning’ to ‘experiential learning’.


Having open and authentic communication capability can benefit us in all aspects of life – from the world of work to our personal lives and everything in between. Communication is equally sharing as it is listening... allowing both ourselves and others to understand thoughts, feelings and information more accurately and quickly.

Classroom Learning: Speaking, Writing, Simplifying ideas, Being understood.

Experiential Learning: Trust, Inspiring others, Being present, Expression of passion, Listening, Persuasion.


Collaboration is when people come together and contribute their expertise for the benefit of a shared objective, project or mission. Working in a team environment, learning to adapt to different personalities and accommodate diverse perspectives, bringing people together, helping them learn from each other and achieve shared success.

Classroom Learning: Task focussed, Team building, Teaching & training other people, Creating value for others, Inclusive leadership, Consensus building, Delegating.

Experiential Learning: Process focussed, Inspiring & empowering others, Constructive criticism, Situational leadership, Decision Making, Conflict resolution.

Project Management

Determining purpose, working towards collective success, organising a team, setting goals and managing a diversity of tasks are just some of the capabilities to be gained from project management opportunities. The benefits range from increased effectiveness, focused performances and team alignment.

Classroom Learning: Hypothetical outcomes, Organisational skills, Task management, Group projects.

Experiential Learning: Tangible outcomes, Team building, Inclusive leadership, Conflict resolution, Budget management, Strategic planning, Real-time feedback.


In a world becoming more saturated with ideas, creativity is becoming increasingly valuable. Creativity brings fresh insight and perspective on old methods and traditional approaches.

Classroom Learning: Problem solving, Ideation & brainstorming, Concerns as questions, Concepts.

Experiential Learning: Fixed vs. growth mindset, Critical thinking skills, Individual expressions, Risk-taking, Ideation, Connection, Perspective.


Building connections with others is a priceless skill that not only opens windows of opportunity, but also could give you access to that one person who could change your life forever. Having a strong network of friends and supporters provides for a more stable foundation for you and your future.

Classroom Learning: Interaction with others, Interpersonal skills, Creating relationships, Creating value for others not just yourself, Making friends, Building rapport.

Experiential Learning: Establishing identity, Building a reputation, Helping others, Quality over quantity, Demonstrated actions, New Environments, Time & space to authentically connect.


Leadership listens, inspires, motivates, and gives a direction, a common goal to aspire to. With good leadership, you can create a vision and motivate people to make it a reality. A good leader can inspire everyone in an organisation to achieve their very best. Investing in human capital is the differentiator in an ever evolving knowledge-based economy.

Classroom Learning: Selflessness, Taking action, Cultivation of relationships, Positive attitude, Confidence, Sense of direction.

Experiential Learning: Empowerment of others, Expressions of individual styles, Inspiring action, Value-oriented decision making, Opportunity to make a difference, Adapting to change, Integrity, Vision.

Growth Mindset

Believing that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance is part of lifelong learning with a growth mindset. It’s important in helping to understand, reflect, and realize your own potential.

Classroom Learning: Listening & speaking, Multitasking, Work/life balance, Social & professional etiquette, Confidence building, Introspection.

Experiential Learning: Identifying personal strengths & weaknesses, Resilience, Self determination & motivation, Accountability, Integrity, Bouncing back from challenge, mistake and/or failure.


Learning how to use technology as a tool and not a distraction is an acquired skill. As you become more involved, meet more people, and commit to more things, making sure you stay productive is key to being successful.

Classroom Learning: Time management, Focus & minimising distractions, Healthy work habits, Task achievements.

Experiential Learning: Multitasking, Prioritisation, Goal setting, Use of diverse productivity tools, Shared experiences, Focus on purpose not procedure.

Benefit Mindset

A benefit mindset builds on a growth mindset, where we not only seek to fulfil our potential, but choose to do it in a way that serves the wellbeing of all. Every community depends on a group of concerned and committed people who recognise the value in leaving the world better than they found it.

Classroom Learning: Taking action in your community/school, Valuing others, Building relationships.

Experiential Learning: Exposing yourself to diversity & adversity, Putting theory into action, Having an impact, Improving other peoples’ lives, Empowering others.

Problem Solving

Problem solving isn’t in the identification of the challenge, but the ideation of possible solutions. Problem solving is about being brave, thinking differently, and learning from previous mistakes.

Classroom Learning: Identification, Importance of adaptability, Mistakes are part of the learning process.

Experiential Learning: Attempting solutions, Real-time feedback, Failing forward or reframing failure, Reattempting from learning from mistakes, Alternative perspectives of success.

I would love to hear from you if you have any feedback on the enterprising skills above or maybe you have one you can add to the mix?

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